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Everyone loves a good dance competition, but isn't it better when it gives back to our favorite philanthropies? 


Each sorority chapter at the UniversIty of Hartford campus will be competing not only in a dance competition, but a competition to see who can raise the most funds for their philanthropy. Places will be determined by a point system. These points are earned from your performance and how much money you raise. You can even earn points by sharing this website!



100% of their earnings go towards their philanthropy and they are named the Sig Delt Shakedown champions!



50% of their earnings go towards their philanthropy







Hi everyone, I am Gabby Brittman the President of Sigma Delta Tau for the Gamma Iota chapter of Sigma Delta Tau at the University of Hartford!

Sigma Delta Tau adopted Prevent Child Abuse America as its national philanthropy in 1982 and we’ve been dedicated partners ever since. Prevent Child Abuse America is a voluntary organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse through citizen action.  PCAA builds awareness, promotes and enacts prevention efforts and works to ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential.

Each year an estimated 3 million cases of suspected child abuse and neglect are reported. More than 3 children die each DAY in the US from abuse and neglect. Child abuse as a whole grew by 8% in the nations overall crime rate. Here at the University of Hartford, Sigma Delta Tau is continuously raising money and awareness for this important cause.

We are so excited to introduce our fourth annual Sig Delt Shake Down competition in hopes to raise over $8,000 for Prevent Child Abuse America! Overall, we take pride in giving back to not only our philanthropies but the other chapter’s philanthropies as well. Not only does it foster personal growth and help those causes in need, it also creates a greater unity among the Greek community as a whole and between sisters. By giving, not just money, but time, effort, and energy, you learn that the greatest thing about philanthropy is that your essentially benefiting yourself in ways you may not have suspected. Since having joined SDT I’ve learned that the best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself through the service of others with great people and good vibes around you. One woman can change anything.  Many women can change everything.  That was the belief of Sigma Delta Tau’s National Founders!

  1. Each chapter must have 10 girls for their dance

  2. Each dance must be a minimum of 5 minutes, maximum of 6 minutes.

  3. Each chapter participating MUST be in costume during performance!

  4. Songs chosen for performance must be appropriate (no crude language) and fit with the theme.

  5. HAVE FUN!


Your overall score is based on the point system. Here is how you can earn points!

  1. Promoting the event via social media with statuses and images

  2. The amount of times you share this website, the instagram, and retweets about the event

  3. Performance creativity

  4. The amount of funds you raise

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